It is recommended you type your information into this Entry Form, print it and add your signature(s).
Applicant Info:
First Name: Street:
Last Name: City: State: Zip/Postal:
Telephone: Email: Country:
How did you hear about 100 Scxreenplays:
Screenplay Info:
Screenplay Title: Pages:
(1-2 sentences):
Payment Information:
US$100 entry fee paid by:
    Credit card payment submitted online.
    Check or money order payable to "Screenplay Festival" included with Entry Form and/or script.
Legal Disclaimer:
    I have read all 100 Screenplays rules. I understand and have complied with these rules. To the best of my knowledge, all of the statements herein are true and correct. I understand failure to adhere to all 100 Screenplays rules will result in disqualification. I understand that 100 Screenplays is a competition run by Screenplay Festival. As the sole owner and author of submitted material, I fully attest that the following is true and correct:
  1. I have read, understand and agree fully to the official rules of the competition and hereby request that you read, evaluate and judge said material, of which I am sole author and have exclusive rights and authority to submit the same upon the terms and conditions stated here within.
  2. Furthermore, I indemnify Screenplay Festival, its affiliates, sponsors and judges of and from any and all claims, loss or liability that may be asserted against you or incurred by you or any associates, at any time in connection with said material.
  3. I understand that Screenplay Festival will not use any material or any part of it, except in connection with the competition and awards unless you: (1) enter into an agreement with me granting rights to the material, or (2) determine in good faith that I do not own or control the material because features or elements were independently developed by someone other than me; are in the public domain or; are not novel or new.
  4. I have retained at least two copies of said material, and I hereby release you of and from any and all liability for loss of, or damage to, the copy of said material submitted to you hereunder.
  5. If more than (1) one party signs this agreement as submitter, then reference "I" or "me" throughout this agreement shall apply to each party; jointly and severally.
I have read and accept the rules of 100 Screenplays, a contest from Screenplay Festival.
Writer's Signature: Date:
Co-Writer's Signature: Date:
Remember To:
When sending your entry, remember to include:
- Completed/Signed Entry Form
- Entree Fee (Credit Card, check or money order)
- Copy of Your Screenplay
Mail to:
100 Screenplays / Screenplay Festival
11693 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 806
Los Angeles, CA 90049, USA
Contact Information:
Fax: 866-770-2994 (North America)
Fax: 310-820-2303 (outside North America)